Bus Stops


2024-2025 Bus Stops


Dear MHUSD Guardians and Parents,


Please find the list of bus stops associated with your student's school. Bus stops will be assigned based on the student's home address and board policy regarding walking distances to establish the safest and most reasonable stops for our bus-riding students.

When assigning bus stops, we considered various factors, such as the presence of railroad tracks, major highways, and other obstacles, to ensure the well-being of our students during their journey to and from school. Our goal is to provide a transportation system that prioritizes safety above all else.

Please note that pickup times will be posted in a separate communication prior to the start of the school year, once we have a better understanding of ridership levels and needs.

Morgan Hill Transportation

First page of the PDF file: SobratoRoutes24_25


Activity Bus

Students who are staying late at school for Homework Center or other school activities have the opportunity to take the Activity Bus home from school. See the details below for more information:

Days: Monday – Thursday

Departure: 4:45pm

  • No extra charge to students who already have a valid 2024-2025 MHUSD bus pass round-trip or PM transportation

  • $10 for students without a bus pass (good for the remainder of the year)

  • Activity buses will start running on Sept 3, 2024, and end on May 22, 2025.

Fill out the Activity Bus Application and submit it to the Transportation Department or to the Sobrato Main Office.   You may also pick up an application form in the office.

Where does the Activity Bus stop? Click here to view northbound and southbound routes.