Mission Statement

 Ann Sobrato High School
Mission Statement and Guiding Principles


The Morgan Hill Unified School District’s central purpose is to educate students. In partnership with families and the community, we create learning environments where all students learn and are empowered to achieve their unique potential. We model and nurture civility, respect, compassion, personal responsibility, curiosity and integrity in an environment of diversity, equity, and service.


To achieve our mission, we believe that the following principles should guide the work of our high schools 

Standards, Expectations and Assessments 

We believe there should be a challenging curriculum for all students that reflects: 

  • Clear expectations
  • High academic standards clearly stating what a student is to know and be able to do
  • Meaningful assessments that are tied to course standards


We believe students learn best when they: 

  • Are known well
  • Are trusted, respected, and understood
  • Are connected to their teachers, counselors, staff, administrators, families, and other students
  • Have adults who can serve as advocates and/or mentors
  • Have a variety of electives to meet their needs


We believe students learn best when: 

  • Students take responsibility for their learning
  • Students are actively engaged in their learning
  • Accommodations are made for students’ learning styles
  • A variety of instructional strategies and supports are used to address the individual and special group needs
  • Students are provided information about their academic progress
  • Teachers not only present content but also serve as coaches and facilitators during the learning process

Culture and Environment 

We believe that students learn best in an environment which: 

  • Is emotionally and physically safe
  • Is mutually respectful
  • Is prejudice-free
  • Promotes a sense of belonging
  • Has maintained and up to date facilities, equipment, and instructional materials

Lifelong Learning 

We believe that students must develop the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to: 

  • Be lifelong learners
  • Fulfill their civic responsibility in a democratic society
  • Expand their post-secondary career and educational opportunities

Professional Development and Collaboration 

We believe that all staff members: 

  • Must be well qualified and, in the case of teachers and administrators, credentialed
  • Must be lifelong learners
  • Must have opportunities and resources to continue to develop their skills and knowledge of instructional practices, assessments, and content
  • Must have time to meet, plan, reflect, and collaborate with other staff members

Continuous Improvement 

We believe that school staff members must: 

  • Annually review student achievement data to identify successes and gaps in student achievement
  • Share the data, successes, and achievement gaps with the community
  • Plan instructional and systemic changes around the annual data analysis
  • Have clear criteria for evaluating the impact of instructional and systemic changes on student achievement.