Mission Statement
Mission Statement and Guiding Principles
Ann Sobrato High School
The Mission:
The mission of the Morgan Hill Unified School District’s high schools is to provide all students with a safe learning environment, learning opportunities, and academic support so that each student achieves at high levels, graduates from high school, and is prepared for challenging post-secondary options.
Guiding Principles
To achieve our mission, we believe that the following principles should guide the work of our high schools:
Standards, Expectations and Assessments
We believe there should be a challenging curriculum for all students that reflects:
- Clear expectations
- High academic standards that clearly state what a student is to know and be able to do
- Meaningful assessments that are tied to course standards
We believe students learn best when they:
- Are known well
- Are trusted, respected and understood
- Are connected to their teachers, counselors, staff, administrators, parents, and other students
- Have adults who can serve as advocates and/or mentors
- Have a variety of electives to meet their needs
We believe students learn best when:
- Students take responsibility for their learning
- Students are actively engaged in their learning
- Accommodations are made for students’ learning styles
- A variety of instructional strategies and supports are used to address individual and special group needs
- Students are provided information about their academic progress
- Teachers not only present content but also serve as coaches and facilitators during the learning process
Culture and Environment
We believe that students learn best in an environment which:
- Is emotionally and physically safe
- Is mutually respectful
- Is prejudice-free
- Promotes a sense of belonging
- Has well-maintained and up to date facilities, equipment, and instructional materials
Life Long Learning
We believe that students must develop the skills, knowledge and enthusiasm to:
- Be life long learners
- Fulfill their civic responsibility in a democratic society
- Expand their post-secondary career and educational opportunities
Professional Development and Collaboration
We believe that all staff members:
- Must be well-qualified and, in the case of teachers and administrators, credentialed
- Must be life long learners
- Must have opportunities and resources to continue to develop their skills and knowledge of instructional practices, assessments and content
- Must have time to meet, plan, reflect, and collaborate with other staff members
Continuous Improvement
We believe that school staff members must:
- Annually review student achievement data to identify successes and gaps in student achievement
- Share the data, successes and achievement gaps with the community
- Plan instructional and systemic changes around the annual data analysis
- Have clear criteria for evaluating the impact of instructional and systemic changes on student achievement