
The Counseling and Career Center is located in Room B022.


If you have a general question or concern for your student's counselor, the most expedient way to contact them is through email.  You can also contact your student's counselor through voicemail. Counselors will try to get back to you within 24-48 hours (not including weekends or holidays).  Please keep in mind that if you are calling about course content or other class-related issue, we ask that you have communicated with the teacher first. 

Want to contact counseling staff? Click here for the counseling section of our school directory.

Naviance is a K-12 college and career readiness solution that helps districts and schools align student strengths and interests to college goals, improving student outcomes and connecting learning to life.  Students, staff and parents can access Naviance online from any device in multiple languages.  Naviance give students an opportunity to explore their own skills, investigate and learn about career choices and colleges, apply for colleges and scholarships, and prepare for tests such as the ACT, SAT and AP exams.

 Log in to your Naviance account here:

Visit Naviance for:

South County Cal-SOAP is a pre-college program that helps low-income and first-generation students go to college. They assist students in navigating every aspect of their educational journey, offering academic advising, financial aid awareness, tutoring, college tours, and more. Through these services, Cal-SOAP equips the students least likely to enter college with the tools and knowledge they need to attain their academic goals.  First-generation, low-income, college-bound students with a minimum 2.0 GPA may apply.  Click here for an application.


South-Cal Cal-SOAP es un programa preuniversitario que ayuda a los estudiantes de bajos ingresos y de primera generación a ir a la universidad. Ayudan a los estudiantes a navegar en cada aspecto de su viaje educativo, ofreciendo asesoramiento académico, concientización sobre ayuda financiera, tutoría, recorridos universitarios y más. A través de estos servicios, Cal-SOAP equipa a los estudiantes con menos probabilidades de ingresar a la universidad con las herramientas y el conocimiento que necesitan para alcanzar sus objetivos académicos. Se pueden aplicar estudiantes de primera generación, de bajos ingresos, con destino a la universidad con un promedio mínimo de 2.0.  Haga clic aquí para una aplicación.